Employer Brand Vs External Brand

What’s the difference❓❓❓

There isn’t one!

You need to think about them as being one and the same thing.

You have two significant financial assets in any organisation:

1. Your People – Likely to be the most expensive asset you have
2. Your Brand – A significant financial asset that materially impacts the value of your business

What if these two things were working together to deliver total brand congruence?

How powerful could that be? 🚀

One of the biggest issues I come across in my brand strategy and planning work is a lack of congruence.

The marketing team doing one thing and the HR team doing something else.

This needs to stop! ⛔ They are inextricably linked.

Talented people, in whatever role, choose to work for strong brands. For brands that have joined up their internal policies with their external image.

Since I’m hearing from my clients that recruitment is one of the biggest challenges of the moment, can you afford to not consider your employer brand as part of your holistic brand efforts?

if you’d like to understand more about how we can get your employer and external brand working together.