Marketers No Longer Learn By Osmosis

At the start of my career, I learned so much by osmosis.

The definition of ‘osmosis’ is:

“the process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of ideas, knowledge, etc”

I recently conducted a set of stakeholder interviews for an employer brand project.

One of the concerns raised was about the limitations of hybrid or home-based working.

Most people acknowledged that the flexibility is a good thing, but several people commented that the ‘learning by osmosis’ was non-existent now.

Which got me reminiscing.

I remember, when I first started out, learning really great approaches and techniques through just being around brilliant senior marketers who had a wealth of experience.

If I was starting my career today, I think I’d be missing out on a lot of those learning opportunities.

Similarly, whether you’re home or office based, if you’re the sole marketer in an SME, osmosis learning about marketing isn’t something you can benefit from.

It can be a lonely place as the single marketer in an organisation.

That’s one of the reasons I’m launching The SME Marketing Academy in January 2023.

For junior marketers who work at home.

And sole marketers who don’t have other marketers to learn from.

It might not be learning by osmosis, but it’s a flexible and affordable marketing learning opportunity for all SMEs.