Human Driver: Stability & Control


RULER brands are motivated by gaining and maintaining power.  RULER tendencies are concerned with image, status and prestige.

Famous RULER characters include the Headteacher, the President or Prime Minister and the King or Queen.

If your business has a high status product that is used by individuals to enhance their own power, then the RULER archetype might be a good match for you.

The RULER archetype is typically associated with products that help people become more organised or that offer a lifetime guarantee.

Brands who adopt the RULER archetype may have a regulatory or protective function or offer technical assistance.

Typically, brands who embody the RULER archetype are often moderately or high priced.

The Ruler - Key Facts


Power is everything

Also Known As

Sovereign, Judge, Patriarch, Ambassador

Why People Love You

You’re a charismatic leader, reminding others to think big


To create something prosperous or successful

Human Desire

To maintain control

Brand Values

Ambition, Respect, Credibility, Responsibility

Brand Behaviours

Creates order & structure, shows authority & credibility

Brand Characteristics

Confident, competitive, organised, influential, expensive, leadership

Famous RULER Brands

ROLEX: “Rolex has registered over 500 patents in the course of its history. Few companies have been so consistently identified with the pursuit of excellence, the quest for the absolute, the discovery of original approaches and innovative solutions.”

GREY GOOSE: “Life is full of special moments, big and small, planned and spontaneous, and those moments need something worthy of the occasion – GREY GOOSE®, a vodka of unparalleled quality that’s made without compromise.”

Related Archetypes

Archetypes which also have Stability & Control as their human drivers – CAREGIVER & CREATOR.

May Be At Odds With:  The CAREGIVER or MAGICIAN archetypes, because they will often have opposing values.

Want to know more about the RULER archetype?

Access everything you could possibly need to know about the RULER, including swipeable ideas for your brand, with my RULER Brand Mastery course – COMING SOON!

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